EAST BETHLEHEM TOWNSHIP is a First-class Township governed by a board of five (5) elected Commissioners.
The township is divided into four districts (wards) which include Vestaburg, Millsboro, Fredericktown and Clarksville (Washington County). A commissioner is elected from each ward and one commissioner is elected at-large.
The Municipal Complex, located at 36 Water Street in Fredericktown
is home to the Commissioners' Office, Code Enforcement Office,
Municipal Authority, Tax Office and Public Library.
The East Bethlehem Township Maintenance Facility is located at 20 Millsboro Avenue in Millsboro.
Senate Bill 554 amended the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act to include the requirement that agencies post the agenda for all public meetings at least 24 hours in advance. This change took effect August 29, 2021 and applies to all agencies covered by the Act. East Bethlehem Township agendas will be posted 24 hours prior to any meeting.
Please Click on the Meetings page to view the current agenda.
Ward 1 - Millsboro
Nicholas Babko III
Term Ends 2027
Ward 2 - Fredericktown
John Keys
Term Ends 2025
Ward 3 - Vestaburg
John Popielarczyk
Term Ends 2027
Ward 4 - Clarksville
Dick Swinchock, Vice-President
Term Ends 2027
Commissioner At-Large
Jasen Henck, President
Term Ends 2027
Tax Collector : Jennifer Sepsi
724-377-1777 ext. 1
Code Enforcement Office
724-377-1777 ext. 2
Township Secretary: Maryann Giovanelli
724-377-1777 ext. 3
Mailing Address:
East Bethlehem Township Board of Commissioners
P.O. Box 687
Fredericktown PA 15333
Email address
Zoning, Floodplain and Building Permits
are administered
by K2 Engineering, Inc.